To be considered eligible for H-1B purposes, applicants need proof that they possess the equivalent of a U.S. Bachelor’s degree in a relevant field. If you completed your Bachelor’s education outside of the U.S., you will require an Educational Evaluation from an accredited evaluator as proof of your eligibility.
The first step of this is to make sure you have copies of your degrees and transcripts – these do not need to be “official” copies, but should be legible. If your documents are not in English, you will need to provide translations (the evaluation companies will also do translations for an additional fee, or you may perform your own translation)
The following is a list of credential evaluation companies we often work with, whose opinions are accepted by USCIS:
Foundation for International Services
- Click Services>Credential Evaluations.
- Click “Apply online for a credential evaluation.”
- When asked for Type of Evaluation, select “Document-by-Document” and “This report will be used for: Immigration>Non-Immigrant Visa>H-1B/E3.”
- Have evaluation sent directly to you.
- When asked for speed of request, select One Week or Next Day (not One Month).
Trustforte Corporation
- Click “Download Evaluation Application Form”, fill out, and follow instructions for submission.
- For REQUESTED SERVICE: “Academic Equivalency Evaluation.”
- For CASE TYPE: “H-1B/L-1/E Visa etc.”
Please submit your Education Evaluation once you have received it. For H-1B filing we only need a copy of the evaluation (an original is not required).
** This memo is provided for informational and discussion purposes only. It does not act as a substitute for direct legal contact on an individual basis **