USCIS Announces Initial Registration Period for the Fiscal Year 2022 H-1B Cap

News RoomFebruary 23, 2022

USCIS Announces Initial Registration Period for the Fiscal Year 2022 H-1B Cap

USCIS Announces Initial Registration Period for the Fiscal Year 2022 H-1B Cap

Last Friday, USCIS announced that the initial period for the fiscal year 2022 H-1B cap will open on March 9 at 12:00 PM ET and will run through March 25 at 12:00 PM ET. Like last year, representatives and registrants must wait until the opening of the registration period to submit beneficiary information and submit the fee of $10 per registrant. If USCIS receives enough registrations by March 25, it will randomly select registrations and send selection notices. The agency intends to notify all account holders by March 31.

Additionally, last week, we reported USCIS’ intention to delay the effective date of the wage-based selection rule for the H-1B cap which prioritizes H-1B cap selection for individuals earning the highest wages. The final rule was published today. With the publication of the final rule, USCIS will delay the effective date of the wage-based selection rule to December 31, 2021. As a result, the lottery this year will be based on random selection like it has historically been, thus eliminating many uncertainties surrounding this year’s cap.

As the registration period ends five days later than last year we do expect the lottery results to be announced around the 30th or 31st of March, literally on the opening of the cap filing window. We will continue to provide updates as we navigate this year’s H-1B cap season.

H-1B Cap Season and Important Immigration Updates – What you Need to Know in Just 30 Minutes

It is that time of year again, when companies look to support existing employees and new hires in their application for H-1B. We have seen unprecedented changes in business immigration in the last few years, and there is a strong likelihood of additional changes coming soon – including the Fairness for High Skilled Immigrants Act – all of which suggest maintaining stable non-immigrant status is an important part of any company’s immigration strategy. Join Managing Partner, David Zaritzky Brown, as he walks through what to expect for this upcoming H-1B Cap season and how our firm will process applications. This is a special webinar that is specific to the H-1 Lottery/Cap Season for HR/Managers and employees involved in filing an H-1B this year.

Additionally, David will spend a few minutes providing key immigration updates related to recent moves by the Biden administration to undue many of the prior administration’s harmful and at times, last ditch maneuvers to undermine our existing legal immigration structure. The core program will be a quick 30 minutes and leave ample time for Q&A.

If your company or fellow HR colleague can benefit from such a session, please register, and invite your friends.

REGISTER HERE for February 18th

Additional H-1B Cap Webinar

As precaution and to ensure all clients are aware of what to expect, we have scheduled additional follow up Webinar to ensure everyone has an opportunity to join in should you have a conflict on the 18th.

REGISTER HERE for February 24th

Please Note: Both Webinars will cover similar subject matter as our previous presentations earlier in January, however as there are a number of new developments there will be new information shared. We will do our best to share it at the front of the presentation for those who wish to only hear the updates. After the event we will make the recording and slides available to clients on our website HERE (under Previous Webinars).

Once registered, you will receive an email with a link to use to join the video chat on the day of the event. Please note: This link should not be shared with others; it is unique to you. If you ever misplace the invitation link, simply visit the webinar schedule on our website to join the LIVE chat.

If you have contacts or colleagues who may benefit from our talks, you are welcome to invite them to join our VIP invitation list by sharing our webinar schedule where they can subscribe for further information.

Don’t miss these opportunities to increase your knowledge on important immigration issues!

Thank you and we look forward to having you at the event.

Best Regards,

The Team at Brown Immigration Law

** This newsletter/memo is provided for informational and discussion purposes only. It does not act as a substitute for direct legal contact on an individual basis **
