Today, August 5, 2024, USCIS announced it has “now randomly selected a sufficient number of registrations for unique beneficiaries as needed to reach the regular cap from the remaining properly submitted FY 2025 registrations.” This comes after our prior breaking news alert on Tuesday, July 30, 2024, that USCIS announced that more selections were needed to meet the statutory cap for FY 2025.
We have been experiencing issues accessing our representative accounts in the USCIS portal, likely due to the high volume of traffic following this announcement. These issues caused a slight delay in our ability to confirm new selections, but most attorneys have now gained access to the system as of this afternoon. Our team has already begun communicating the results of the second lottery and expect all clients to be notified of new selections in the next 24-28 hours.
Petitioners will have approximately 90 days to file H-1B cap petitions with USCIS for individuals selected in the second lottery (exact filing window noted on the selection notices). We will share more information on next steps and begin preparing H-1B filings for those selected as soon as possible.
** This newsletter/memo is provided for informational and discussion purposes only. It does not act as a substitute for direct legal contact on an individual basis **