Canada and US Agrees to Extend Border Closure for Nonessential Travel

News RoomMay 20, 2020

Canada and US Agrees to Extend Border Closure for Nonessential Travel

Yesterday, by mutual agreement, Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau announced that the US-Canada border will continue to remain closed to nonessential travel (tourism/recreational purposes) until at least June 21. The border was initially closed on March 21 for 30 days, and subsequently extended another 30 days in April.

The border remains open for “essential travel,” which includes:

  • U.S. citizens and lawful permanent residents returning to the U.S.;
  • Individuals traveling for medical purposes such as receiving medical treatment in the U.S.;
  • Individuals traveling to work in the U.S.;
  • Individuals traveling for emergency response and public health purposes;
  • Individuals engaged in lawful cross-border trade;
  • Individuals engaged in official government travel or diplomatic travel;
  • Member of the U.S. Armed Forces and their spouses and children returning to the U.S.; and
  • Individuals engaged in military-related travel or operations.

Please contact a member of our legal team if you have any concerns regarding the ability to travel and return to the U.S. We will continue to provide updates regarding any changes at the northern and southern borders.

Employers Have an Opportunity Today to Support Their Foreign Born Workers

In anticipation of a presumed forthcoming expansion of Presidential Proclamation 10014 that could restrict nonimmigrant visa holders, the Compete America Coalition is leading a sign-on letter for businesses directed to President Trump to highlight the value and importance of high-skilled immigrants in our COVID-19 recovery. We encourage all corporate clients to consider supporting this letter and signing on today – unfortunately action needs to be taken by EOB today to ensure inclusion in the letter. Companies can complete this short form to add their names to the letter. We will, in the future, advise clients on additional steps that can be taken to support foreign born professionals.

Best Regards,

The Team at Brown Immigration Law

** This newsletter/memo is provided for informational and discussion purposes only. It does not act as a substitute for direct legal contact on an individual basis **
